Issue type or field is not available

Issue Type Is Not Available

The most common error when using Agile Docs occurs because a specific issue type is not available in your project.


Agile Docs currently relies on Epics.

To get the most out of Agile Docs, be sure Epics are available in your project.

To do this, go to:

Project Settings > Issue Types

Then go to Actions, and select ‘Edit issue types’:

Next, drag over ‘Epic’, from ‘Available Issue Types’ to ‘Issue Types for Current Scheme’ like below.



Field Is Not Available

When creating or editing issues, you may encounter an error message like the following:

The most common reason/s for this occurring are:

  1. You are creating a new Epic without enabling the ‘Epic Name’ screen

To enable the Epic Name screen, go to:

Project Settings > Screens

Select the screen you’re using for your project. It will look something like this:


Then add ‘Epic Name’ to the list of screens

My Quick Filters Are Not Appearing

Agile Docs looks for Quick Filters which return Epics. This means it will not show any filters which do not contain the phrases:


issuetype = Epic



issuetype in (Epic)

The App Isn’t Loading After Selecting A Quick Filter

If the app isn’t loading after selecting a Quick Filter, it could be that the JQL query is causing an error in Agile Docs. If this is the case, you need to clear your local storage of the query. Agile Docs saves the query in your browser so it remembers what to open the next time you load Agile Docs.

To do this open your developer tools.

Go to View => Developer => Developer Tools

Then go to Local Storage => => Stop Sign

This will remove the problem JQL query.

Be sure to contact support to let them know which JQL query was causing an issue so it can be fixed.